Certification on all products
Cutting of bar products
Excellent service
Full machining
Next day delivery service
On time delivery
Prime quality products
Heat Treatment
Summercliff have been working for over 40 years in our sector, our office team and stock managers can process your orders, source any additional materials at a competitive cost and liaise regarding on time deliveries for your project.
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Summercliff have recently moved to a larger warehousing facility in Wednesbury, ensuring we can cater for larger stockholdings and orders.
Summercliff have again invested in new cutting equipment in 2011 commissioning 3 Horizontal Bandsaws which are fully automatic and can cut to very tight tolerances.
We are one of the largest stockists of engineering bar in rolled and forged carbon and alloy steel. We specialise in cutting and machining.
Summercliff provide a full steel stockholding service. We also provide help and advice on your needs and projects; please do not hesitate to contact us.
Summercliff are stockists of steels servicing energy markets, transmission, power generation and general engineers.
Production of part processed components produced in our in-house machine shop.